729 days
The 2,600 members of the Minnesota National Guard returned recently from extended duty in Iraq, which was reportedly the longest consecutive deployment of any outfit (22 months, counting extensions). However, the Guardsmen still do not qualify for government education benefits. The law allows the benefits only for those on "active duty" at least 730 days, but the Minnesota Guard's orders (as well as some other outfits' orders), were specifically written for "729 days." [KARE-TV (Minneapolis), 10-18-07]The Army did not respond questions Tuesday afternoon. surprise.
VA Watchdog http://www.vawatchdog.org/07/nf07/nfOCT07/nf100607-5.htm
CNN: 'Day short' troops now 'fighting the Army they served' http://rawstory.com/news/2007/Iraq_vet_speaks_out_when_benefits_1009.html