Another Wounded Soldier
You should go here and read this. At least click the second link. It's a note from one soldier that just visited Walter Reed to see another soldier, a friend of his.The whole blog is a good read but right now the soldier's wife is keeping it up as he got nailed by a home made explosive device in an ambush in Baghdad and is just beginning to get around. He got hurt the same day our girl did. He has lost fingers, was burned and has begun skin grafts and is in a lot of pain.
They are having a card shower for the wounded man to help keep his spirits up. I urge you to send him a card, especially one with a joke included! He needs the humor. Their goal it to fill his post office box to the rim. I am sending this as an email, please feel free to do the same. Let's show this man someone appreciates the sacrifice he has made. Even if we don't agree with the war he is our soldier and we CARE!
CPT Charles W. Ziegenfuss
PO Box 59051
Washington, DC 20012