You can help here
OperationAC: Sends donated air conditioners to US troops in Iraq.Sergeant Mom
Military Family Resource Center
Operation Uplink: Free phone cards provided by the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)
Illinois Family Relief Act: established a check off box on Illinois income tax returns to allow Illinois taxpayers to voluntarily contribute to a trust-fund established to provide financial assistance to thousands of Illinois military men and women called to active duty.
USO: United Services Organization
NMCRS: Navy-Marine Corp Relief Society
Operation Homefront, San Diego: Computers and volunteer services. [news story] This organization is distinct from Operation Homelink™.
CINCHouse: Advertising and event listings for military families -- affiliated with Operation Homefront in San Diego.
The charity below needs a serious hand, people. What does your company or organization do with it's old computers?
Operation Homelink™ "provides free refurbished computers to either parents or spouses of deployed service men and women in the ranks of E-1 through E-5, enabling email communications between families and their loved ones deployed outside of the continental United States.
Unfortunately, we do not have an available inventory of computers, and accordingly are not able to accept requests for computers from either individuals or military units. "