Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Wound Woman American Soldier and more

A new web site: Operation Quiet Comfort has a Yahoo Group so you can contact them directly. Quilts and care kits for the wounded overseas. They are already getting rave reviews!

An article on What is the Best Way to Suppport our Troops?

Military cracking down on Iraq soldier blogs

I have not checked out the following sites myself, let me know what you think of them.




Wounded 224th soldier returns home for benefit in his honor A group of Iowa Operation First Response, met Bob in his hospital bed in Washington months before, the day after he was taken off life support.....

This girl was wounded in Iraq in December. Her mom says she'll be right back then the soldier tells us all about it.

Another Great Resource - Can you spare airline miles? Operation First Response, has a mission - to assist the wounded military and their families who are serving our country during Operation Iraqi Freedom and forward.

Say what you feel


At Comments16/8/05 20:24, Blogger Unknown said...

I personally love Adoptaplatoon (AAP), I have 4 soldiers that I support, two in which I have *adopted* and two in which I am *pen pals* with. For a pen pal you are required to write a weekly letter, and for an adoption, you write weekly letters and send a monthly care package. Sometimes you hear from them, sometimes you don't. AAP screens all their applicants, so it takes a little time to get involved, but very much worthwhile. The group on the forums (which are being fixed currently) is exceptional as well.

Another support group I have enjoyed greatly is www.anysoldier.com. Servicemembers sign up their group for support and they give updates once a month/once every other month. I have written some exceptional servicemembers this way as well.

Hope that helps!


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