Monday, August 15, 2005

He is getting out!

If you have been following along with Chuck, who was wounded the same day as Jewel then you will be glad to hear he is getting out!

Say what you feel


At Comments15/8/05 18:17, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Valerie! I just stumbled by your blog through Chuck's... I want to tell you of an organization that started right here in Michigan that was started a year ago (July 20th) and they have been making a HUGE impact for our wounded soldiers that are still overseas. The organization is called Operation Quiet Comfort and is now a national organization.

The last one is the full organization name, but it may have gotten cut off! The first one (the actual website) is under contruction, but can give you a good idea of what we're about.

Lori, our fearless leader, is on vacation this week, so if she doesn't respond right away, it's for that reason! :)

On a sidenote, our wounded soldiers need all the help they can get. A soldier I was paired up with though Adoptaplatoon was injured, and I know the struggles that he dealt with. Thank you for all that you do, and God Bless!


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